Guest Post: Beyond Big Data and Benioff’s “AI Spring” to the Dawn of Dataware

This article was authored by Matt McIlwain and was originally published on Medium. For more of Matt’s writing, you can follow him here! Big Data, AI, Machine Learning, Hadoop, Predictive Analytics — we hear these terms every day from companies such as Cloudera, Trifacta and Dato (formerly GraphLab) that are securing many millions in financing. I believe

The Ethics of Cloud Computing – Part 2

​This is part two in a three part series. To read Part One, click here. Firms also have the moral duty to be honest with the customers regarding security policies, and at times, even system architecture. Many years ago I once found myself in the unfortunate circumstance where a company I was working with had

​The Ethics of Cloud Computing – Part 1

Cloud computing seems to still be one of the reigning buzzwords in high-tech these days. Everything is either “in the cloud”, “powered by the cloud”, or some variation on the theme. I remember when hosted email was just that: hosted email. Today, such offerings are considered cloud offerings even though they have not changed in

Your Healthcare, Your Cloud, and HIPAA

Healthcare companies once considered the idea of managing any computing activities in the cloud a distant future due to ever-tightening standards of patient privacy. But software development and testing workloads are equally as ideal and secure in the cloud for health industry enterprises as other complex businesses. Since the HIPAA Omnibus rule was released, and

Environments-as-a-Service (EaaS) Explained in Only 3 Minutes!

​I’m not quite sure how he did it, but Jason English, Skytap’s Galactic Head of Product Marketing, managed to not just brilliantly explain what Skytap does, nor do it in only three minutes, but also solely create an amazing video to bolster his message! After watching, you’ll be a veritable expert in how Skytap enables:

Book Review: The Phoenix Project – Chasing the DevOps Whale

​This technical, but easy-reading story will likely become required reading for everyone here at Skytap. The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps and Helping Your Business Win (Gene Kim, Kevin Behr & George Spafford, IT Revolution Press, 2013) ties one man’s journey toward DevOps to the significant innovations made in factory optimization and lean

Mobile Dev and Environments-as-a-Service Featured in Upcoming Webinars

​We have two webinars coming up in the next few weeks that we wanted to invite everyone to. If you can’t attend live, make sure to still register, as we will be sending out the recording and slides afterwards to all registrants. See you online! Automate Your Environment Provisioning for Mobile App Development Wednesday, September

Notes from VMWorld 2014: Shifting the Focus to Development and Test

A consistent theme here at VMworld 2014 has been development and testing. Specifically, how IT operations can deliver the development, test, continuous integration, staging, and ultimately production environments that software development and QA teams rely on. VMware announced tight integration with OpenStack in the hopes of, at least partly, helping their customers better meet the

Skytap’s new Copy-to-Region lets your SDLC “Follow the Moon”

For the past few years, the holy grail of enterprise IT is to have large scale global software development, testing and integration activities that “follow the sun.” So when your development team checks in and goes home in San Jose, CA, there’s a testing team just getting started in Bangalore, India. And when they check

Realizing the Value of Cloud Beyond the Infrastructure Itself for Dev & Test

  By now we’ve seen plenty of cost justification on the efficiency of using cloud infrastructure. You can easily Google “Cloud Computing Value” and get a stack of analyst and vendor reports. Or just pop open Amazon’s AWS value calculator and plug in some numbers. There are huge one-time and recurring IT cost savings to

Interview: Peter Coffee on Leveraging the Web’s Transformation

Noel Wurst: Hello, this is Noel Wurst with Skytap and I am speaking today with Peter Coffee. Peter is the VP for Strategic Resource at and he’s also going to be taking part in the SDLC Acceleration Summit on May 13th in San Francisco, California. Peter how are you doing today? Peter Coffee: It’s

Caught! The Real Culprit of Shadow IT

Once you learn the definition of shadow IT, it shouldn’t be too shocking to learn how widespread it is at companies large and small all over the world. I hate to assume, but the odds are, that you yourself have used a non-IT approved SaaS option for the same reason as everyone else, myself included.