I recently had an article published on Techwell.com entitled: How DevOps Helps Move Your Automated Testing to the Cloud.
The subject of development and testing in the cloud is highly relevant to today’s enterprises. Leading software companies are discovering that leveraging the cloud for development allows teams to quickly spin up multiple development stacks and test environments on demand.
DevOps is just one more tool that helps development and test teams get closer to the ultimate goal of slashing both cycle times and cost.
Here’s an excerpt from the article:
As an IT discipline, DevOps brings order to an otherwise chaotic and complex world of application development, testing, deployment, scaling, and monitoring. DevOps minimizes turf wars between siloed, independent teams and enables an integrated approach to software development, testing, and delivery that reflects the needs of the entire application lifecycle.
DevOps strives for more collaborative, productive relationships among QA, development, and operations teams—an approach that carries many advantages, including fewer bugs, faster fixes, and increased visibility, over traditional development processes.
By implementing a hybrid cloud architecture, organizations can accelerate DevOps and produce better-quality software faster by breaking down traditional barriers between software quality departments, developers, and operations personnel. For example, developers can share copies of their lab environments with QA.
The ability to tear down and rebuild a test environment in minutes—and then to do it over and over again—gives QA unprecedented control over provisioning the resources needed to test software. Automating this process so that it is visible to change control, but doesn’t require intervention or special approval to implement, reduces the time needed for testing.
Read the full article on Techwell.com: How DevOps Helps Move Your Automated Testing to the Cloud.