How many clicks does it take to create a Cloud network?

We are making networking easy in Skytap Cloud – so easy that may be “cloudnetwork” jokes will become as fashionable as “lightbulb” jokes! All it takes is a couple of mouse clicks to create a realistic (meaning complex) application network topology. What we are seeing is that this power and simplicity has freed users from

Private Clouds: Can You Have Your Cake and Eat It Too?

According to some pundits, private clouds are on the rise. ComputerWorld recently heralded ‘Private clouds gain traction with early adopters’ and SearchCloudComputing predicted 2010 would be a big year for private cloud build-outs. However, from our experience talking with companies every day, we see enterprises are hot on the idea of private clouds, but not necessarily the

Network Automation Announcement

Today Skytap announced breakthrough network automation capabilities that simplify and accelerate the creation, migration and deployment of multi-tier enterprise applications in the cloud. These features empower IT organizations to create virtual data centers with advanced network topologies and enable functional users to deploy them with an easy-to-use, self-service interface. New capabilities include: Support for advanced, multi-tier

Focus on ‘right-sized, zero-CAPEX alternatives’

Phil Wainewright recently wrote an article in ZDNet that referenced IDC’s forecast that SaaS growth will surge by more than 40 percent in the current year. He highlighted one particularly interesting statement: “… the harsh economic climate will actually accelerate the growth prospects for the software as a service (SaaS) model as vendors position offerings

5 Points To Make When Your CEO Cries Cloud

I saw an interesting article today in Information Week (click here to view) discussing how to respond to execs when they ask what your cloud strategy is. We’re seeing many companies come to us after a CEO and/or CIO has pushed their teams to think how cloud computing can be used in their organization. A good

2010 Cloud Computing Predictions: The Year of Realism

2010 Cloud Computing Predictions: The Year of Realism The buzz around cloud computing reached fever pitch this year, culminating in Gartner placing cloud computing at the peak of its hype cycle in July. We saw controversy around the Open Cloud Manifesto, the federal government getting into cloud computing with, and almost every IT vendor trying to put a

Are All Clouds Equal and Ready for Enterprise IT Workloads?

Lots of enterprises are evaluating external clouds, such as Skytap and Amazon EC2, to off-load their dynamic IT workloads. Top candidates include dev/test, IT prototyping and application migration environments. These can account for 35% or more of IT infrastructure and offer immediate opportunities for cost savings because (1) they are often underutilized due to uneven

Skytap Brings Real-Time Team Collaboration and Role-Based Security Policies to the Cloud

Today we announced the release of innovative new capabilities that enable users to collaborate over the Web using cloud-based virtual data centers (VDCs). In the same way solutions such as SharePoint and WebEx enable teams to collaborate on documents, Skytap enables teams to collaborate on complex IT environments to deliver business initiatives faster and more

Skytap Brings Real-Time Team Collaboration and Role-Based Security Policies to the Cloud

Today we announced the release of innovative new capabilities that enable users to collaborate over the Web using cloud-based virtual data centers (VDCs). In the same way solutions such as SharePoint and WebEx enable teams to collaborate on documents, Skytap enables teams to collaborate on complex IT environments to deliver business initiatives faster and more

Skytap’s ISV Customers Reach 100,000 Software Demo Milestone

Today we announced that numerous software vendors, including Acresso, HP, OpenText, and SchemaLogic, have collectively delivered over 100,000 software demos and proof of concepts (POCs) to their customers using Skytap’s cloud platform. Similar to hosting an online meeting, Skytap allows customers to view a demo or complete a POC engagement whether they are in the same

Skytap’s ISV Customers Reach 100,000 Software Demo Milestone

Today we announced that numerous software vendors, including Acresso, HP, OpenText, and SchemaLogic, have collectively delivered over 100,000 software demos and proof of concepts (POCs) to their customers using Skytap’s cloud platform. Similar to hosting an online meeting, Skytap allows customers to view a demo or complete a POC engagement whether they are in the same

Our View on the Open Cloud Manifesto

The Open Cloud Manifesto was released today to a flurry of comment and criticism from the media, including GigaOm, eWeek, ZDnet, and others. This comes after last week’s post from Microsoft, complaining about the closed nature of the manifesto’s development. Although few can argue with any of the broad principles in the document (including us),