Software Demos and Evaluations: 3 Habits for Running a Successful Cloud Trial

​Having personally helped hundreds of companies evaluate Skytap for software demo and evaluations, I wanted to pass on my top 3 successful habits for running a cloud trial. If you worked through the suggestions in my prior blog piece Five Successful Habits for Selecting a Cloud Provider, you should have a foundation to build upon

Ever Thought About Working in a Startup Environment? Skytap is Hiring.

​ In his Forbes article, 3 Keys to Startup Success, Aaron Schwartz made an interesting observation about working at a startup. He noted that in addition to technical skill, there are some necessary traits a person will need to succeed in this type of environment: “I think that there are three: hustle, follow-through and curiosity.” Those

vCenter Lab Manager End of Life – Which Road Will You Take?

When VMware announced its decision to discontinue additional major releases of vCenter Lab Manager in 2013, it left organizations that are currently running it at a crossroads. And based on the myriad posts and discussions on tech blogs over the past year, it’s clear that many users aren’t necessarily convinced that vCloud Director is the de

Dev/Test: 3 Habits for Running a Successful Cloud Trial

​Having personally helped hundreds of companies evaluate Skytap as a development and testing cloud provider, I wanted to pass along my top 3 habits for running a successful cloud trial. If you worked through the suggestions in my previous blog piece: Questions to Ask When Vetting a Cloud Service Provider, you will have a foundation

Five Ways the Cloud Can Supercharge Agile Development

Time. Development and test teams never have enough of it. Now more than ever before, development and test are under constant pressure to release quality features as quickly as possible. In fact, results from a 2011 Serena survey show that developers rank delivering applications faster as their number one priority, even more important than reducing

Cushman & Wakefield Invests in the Cloud

Creating great software on time and on budget is no small task. And like all businesses, Cushman & Wakefield—the world’s largest privately held real estate service firm—has faced an increasingly complex and fast moving market, with demands for shorter response times to IT requests and a desire to enhance productivity of development and test teams.

Trek and Skytap Ride Together on the Trail of Innovation

Breakthrough innovation can come from anywhere, at any time, in any place. Today, I was in just one of those places. Waterloo, Wisconsin–home of Skytap Cloud customer Trek Bicycles. Founded in 1976, at a time when it was believed that bicycle manufacturing had moved out of the U.S. for good–in an old red barn, with

Camp IT: July 12 – Infrastructure, Operations, and Management

Brett Goodwin, VP of Marketing and Business Development at Skytap, will be speaking at Camp IT in Chicago on Thursday, July 12. The event takes place at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont–two miles from Chicago O’Hare. The one-day conference is attended by IT executives, management, and staff who want to understand new

9 Cloud Computing Trends for 2012

In the article The future of cloud computing: 9 trends for 2012, Andrew Nusca of ZDnet uses data from a recent North Bridge Venture Partners survey to frame a discussion on the trends that are affecting the future of cloud computing. And as we’re halfway through 2012, I thought this list was a timely checkpoint

The Battle of Gettysburg Ends. The Battle of Public IaaS Begins.

Nearly a century and a half ago, the Battle of Gettysburg came to an end with Robert E. Lee’s last failed attempt to break up the Union during a 5-year war that was ultimately footnoted as a defining moment in American history. And as the Battle of Gettysburg was a pivotal turning point in the

Trek Ascends to the Cloud with Skytap

Aging infrastructure is one reason that many companies make the decision to integrate cloud solutions. Trek, one of the largest bicycle manufacturers in the world, had a point-of-sale software called Ascend, with a development and test IT infrastructure based on an old VMware environment consisting of four servers, a SAN storage system, and limited on-premises

Watch SmartClient at Work

SmartClient™ is our latest feature release that offers a fast, easy, and secure way to remotely access and interact with the complex computing environments you create in Skytap Cloud™. It offers the flexibility of using the SmartClient Java-based browser applet or any Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)-capable client on any device including desktops, laptops, smartphones, and