Brett Goodwin to Speak at Camp IT – Cloud Computing Strategies

On September 24, Brett Goodwin, our Vice President of Marketing & Business Development, will speak a Camp IT in Chicago. The focus of the conference is Cloud Computing Strategies, and Brett’s topic will be: Hybrid Cloud: How to Build and Integrate the Best of Both Worlds. The following is a summary of Brett’s presentation: After

Skytap Thought Leaders to Speak at Upcoming Fall Technology Events

This fall, Skytap leadership will be traveling to several technology events to speak about industry trends, hybrid and public cloud solutions, and best practices for Agile development and testing. In September, Brett Goodwin, our Vice President of Marketing and Business Development, will be at Camp IT: Cloud Computing Strategies to present Hybrid Cloud: How to

OSIsoft Extends IT Infrastructure with Hybrid Cloud

Development, test, and QA teams are under constant pressure to develop, test, and deploy software applications faster. And there are myriad reasons for businesses to encourage and support this continuous process improvement, as teams that achieve these efficiencies will end up with a competitive edge. the industry standard in enterprise infrastructure, OSIsoft—makers of the PI

Skytap Named Best of VMworld Award Winner for Third Consecutive Year

​If you were tuned in to VMworld, you may have already heard that Skytap was selected by TechTarget’s SearchServerVirtualization as a “Best of VMworld 2012” award finalist in the public and hybrid cloud computing technologies category–making it the third consecutive year we’ve been recognized at the VMworld event. We were selected based on recent product

Skytap Named Best of VMworld Award Winner for Third Consecutive Year

​If you were tuned in to VMworld, you may have already heard that Skytap was selected by TechTarget’s SearchServerVirtualization as a “Best of VMworld 2012” award finalist in the public and hybrid cloud computing technologies category–making it the third consecutive year we’ve been recognized at the VMworld event. We were selected based on recent product

Security and Compliance in the Cloud Matters

You don’t have to search at length to find articles that highlight conferences, panel discussions, and reports on the topic of cloud security. The topic is everywhere for a reason—security and compliance in the cloud matters. And at Skytap, we believe in making our security and compliance measures transparent to our existing customers, and to

Can DevOps Turn IT into a Strategic Weapon?

Development, IT Operations, and business stakeholders who have teamed up to build a strong DevOps culture may be wondering if there is room to take things to the next level. Is it possible to use the DevOps methodology to build a competitive advantage? Damon Edwards of says yes. Yesterday, Damon produced an interesting piece

VMworld: The Wrap-up

VMworld wrapped up yesterday, August 30, with a final day of hands-on labs and breakout sessions. Over the course of five days, some 20,000 attendees took advantage of the opportunity for education, discourse, and networking in IT infrastructure, applications, and operations. Our team at the Solutions Exchange spoke to hundreds of IT professionals–discussing new tech

TechTarget SearchServerVitualization Names Skytap Finalist in Public/Hybrid Cloud Computing

​Today, our team at VMworld received the finalist award in the Public/Hybrid Cloud Computing Technologies category. The “Best of VMworld 2012” Awards are sponsored by TechTarget SearchServer Vitualization.™  is an enterprise virtualization-focused website providing IT professionals and the community with the latest server virtualization news, articles, tips, and expert advice. There were over 200

Skytap ESXi Multi-Machine Templates a Hot Product at VMworld

​NetworkWorld has named Skytap ESXi Multi-Machine Templates a hot product at VMworld. Announced on August 22, our ESXi Multi-Machine Templates enable users to spin up a virtual machine in Skytap Cloud that runs the VMware vSphere ESXi hypervisor and vSphere client in fewer than 60 seconds. Using pre-built and pre-configured multi-machine templates for ESX 4.1

Announcements, Interviews, and Tchotchkes at VMworld 2012

VMworld 2012 ramped up Sunday afternoon with registration, then the Hands-on Labs (HOL) got underway. As attendees landed in San Francisco throughout the day, the conversations turned to the excellent weather, dinner plans, and evening festivities where colleagues could catch up and talk tech. The VMworld Twitterverse was on fire. But even before the welcome

White Paper: VMware ESXi in a Cloud-based Lab

Our latest white paper, VMware ESXi in a Cloud-based Lab, is out today. The following is an excerpt: VMware ESXi is VMware’s vSphere hypervisor, used to run multiple virtual servers on a single physical server. It’s available in a free version (called the Free VMware vSphere Hypervisor) and commercial editions such as vSphere Enterprise Plus.