New AutoNetworks and CloudControl Capabilities

Today we announced new AutoNetworks™ and CloudControl™ capabilities for enterprise hybrid clouds. Our multi-VPN capability extends software-defined networking features, and our new Scheduler automates actions on Skytap Cloud resources. AutoNetworks AutoNetworks is our unique software-defined networking capabilities for complex, multi-network, multi-machine environments. With multi-VPN capability, users can create multiple two-way secure connections between their Skytap

Talking Hybrid Cloud at Agile Dev East

Our team recently returned from the Agile Development Conference in Orlando. The conference provided the latest in agile methods, technologies, tools, and leadership principles from thought leaders through keynotes, in-depth tutorials, and a wide range of conference classes. Many of our conversations were focused on Skytap hybrid cloud capabilities. While many people aren’t ready to

White Paper: SharePoint in the Cloud

​ SharePoint in the Cloud: SharePoint Environment Management and Complex Application Integration was created with development and test professionals in mind. As SharePoint has evolved from an emerging composite of technologies into the fastest growing server product in Microsoft’s history, it has created unique challenges for companies that want to implement it. This paper presents

SharePoint Conference 2012 Kicks Off in Las Vegas

​ The 2012 SharePoint Conference kicked off today and will continue through November 15 in Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. Conference-goers will gain valuable knowledge to increase productivity, learn how to better use SharePoint 2010, and become familiar with the latest features and functionality from the new SharePoint. Day 1: Registration, Pre-Conference

CIO: 8 Best Cities to Find Cloud Computing Jobs

​When reading the article 8 Best Cities to Find Cloud Computing Jobs, it was no surprise to see Seattle at the top of the list. From the article: “The IT landscape here consists mainly of large enterprise organizations and a vibrant startup community. Companies are searching for a bevy of different employees to fill

The Cloud Foundry Open Source Project and Skytap Cloud

Cloud Foundry recently released a great piece of video from this year’s VMworld. In it, Andy Piper from the VMware Cloud Foundry Developer Relations Team talks with George Stamos, Cloud Solutions Architect from Skytap. They discuss one of our recent product announcements: A virtual private Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution that features the ability to spin up

Using Cloud Foundry with GitLab and Jenkins

In my last two blog posts, I walked users through some things they can accomplish with Jenkins, Gitlab, and Skytap Cloud. Those things included: Creating a new configuration with GitLab for source control (Get the Most out of the Gitlab Template in Skytap Cloud) Adding Jenkins to this configuration and tying them together to do

Time for Change: Replacing VMware Lab Manager

In Part 1 of this series, May VMware Lab Manager Rest in Peace, I talked about how VMware has ‘end of lifed’ Lab Manager and will soon no longer support it. Knowing that, if you are using VMware Lab Manager, you may be actively researching your options for replacement. So let’s dive right in. VMware’s

Skytap Team at Agile Dev East in Orlando

Skytap is a Gold Sponsor of the Agile Development East Conference in Orlando, Florida, this week. Drop by Booth 13 in the EXPO hall on the 7th or 8th to discuss how the cloud enables Agile development and see a demo of Skytap Cloud. On November 7 and 8, our Vice President of Products, Brian

Using Jenkins and GitLab Together in Skytap Cloud

​In my last blog post, Get the Most out of the GitLab Template in Skytap Cloud, we put together a new configuration that had a simple development machine along with the GitLab template for doing source control. This time we are going to expand that template to include doing automatic builds via Jenkins whenever someone

May VMware’s Lab Manager Rest in Peace

In honor of the season, we thought we’d launch the first in a four-part series on the topic of Lab Manager replacement. We’ve invited guest blogger and VMware expert, David Davis, to share his thoughts on the product’s pending end of life. To quote David, “It’s a scary time to be a Lab Manager user.”

Get the Most out of the GitLab Template in Skytap Cloud

Last week we delivered to you a GitLab Public Template built on our new Ubuntu template. GitLab is a self-hosted Git management server (think GitHub, but hosted by you). It is a fast, secure, and stable solution with a management UI built on Ruby on Rails and Git functionality is provided by Gitolite. You