Your Healthcare, Your Cloud, and HIPAA

Healthcare companies once considered the idea of managing any computing activities in the cloud a distant future due to ever-tightening standards of patient privacy. But software development and testing workloads are equally as ideal and secure in the cloud for health industry enterprises as other complex businesses. Since the HIPAA Omnibus rule was released, and

Guest Post: What’s Killing Software Testers?

​Our Tap In Partner Parasoft cooked up this nightmare-inducing, Halloween themed piece; it was originally published on their excellent blog. With Halloween rapidly approaching, let’s take a quick look at some of the top things that are killing software testers… Accelerated Release Cycles In response to today’s demand for speed and “Continuous Everything,” the software

On-premises Data Masking for Increased Cloud Testing Security

​ We recently hosted a webinar with one of our partners, Axis Technology, to demonstrate how their DMSuite® tool ensures that sensitive production data remains secure, while also providing testers with “intelligent” datasets that help them provide more complete testing. This webinar provides tips on how on-premises masked test data management addresses security concerns, while

Limiting the Limitations of Open Source Test Automation

​At last week’s STARWEST conference, I attend a number of sessions focused on testing automation. The topic dominated most of the conference, as more and more dev/test teams are being tasked with building better software faster—so its natural that automation and DevOps are two areas being looking into as potential means to this tackling this

Who Pays for Parallel Development Pizza Parties in the Cloud?

As we move development and test activities into cloud-based labs, we have noticed an age-old challenge arise to some companies’ adoption efforts. While it is tempting to focus on the value or ROI we can achieve from cloud dev/test environments, we should never forget to ask, “Exactly who pays for all this?” Is accounting getting

New Video Demo: Continuous Integration and Cloud IaaS with Skytap

​Most of our enterprise dev/test customers are either well underway, or embarking on some form of Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery strategy to better automate the deployment of code changes and software updates at each phase of the development lifecycle. Common tooling choices here include Jenkins, Microsoft TFS, UrbanCode, CA Application Delivery, and many others. Many are

Environments-as-a-Service (EaaS) Explained in Only 3 Minutes!

​I’m not quite sure how he did it, but Jason English, Skytap’s Galactic Head of Product Marketing, managed to not just brilliantly explain what Skytap does, nor do it in only three minutes, but also solely create an amazing video to bolster his message! After watching, you’ll be a veritable expert in how Skytap enables:

Customer Spotlight: WorkWise to Tap Into Skytap at Upcoming Conference

​On October 14-16, WorkWise will be hosting their annual customer conference at the Potawatomi Hotel & Casino in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. WorkWise has been a customer of ours for a long time, and they’re utilizing Skytap in a unique way at this year’s conference. I sat down with Carl Wysocki, WorkWise’s director of R&D Technology, and

October’s Upcoming Partner Happy Hours Go Coast to Coast!

​If you’re lucky enough to live in a city or state that allows “happy hour” (you’d be surprised how many states have banned it!) hopefully from time to time you’re able to pop into a local establishment to kick off the weekend a little early, or even continue to work or brainstorm in perhaps a

Creating an Autoconfiguring IBM UrbanCode Deploy Agent in Skytap

Skytap recently announced the availability of the Skytap Automation Pack for IBM UrbanCode Deploy. You can read about it in this Skytap blog post from earlier this year. You’ll recall that this plugin adds the following functionality into the IBM UrbanCode Deploy Application Process web UI to create and manipulate templates and configurations in Skytap:

Just Landed: Virtual and Cloud-based Labs

​Today, voke, inc. officially announced the availability of their latest publication, titled, Market Snapshot TM Report: Virtual and Cloud-based Labs. The report was written by voke founders Theresa Lanowitz and Lisa Dronzek, and it features the results of a recent survey they conducted on the concept of “lifecycle virtualization.” LV is centered around the idea

How to Automate Your Environment Provisioning for Mobile App Development

​Last week, we co-hosted another great webinar with Orasi, one of our outstanding TapIn Partners, and we’re thrilled to now offer this on-demand to anyone who missed it, or even those who attended but who may want to share it with others! We focused on showing how to provide more complete test coverage for mobile