A Resolution to Keep: Trimming Your SDLC Waste in 2015

Hats off to Parasoft’s Mark Lambert and our own Jason English for their recent webinar, “New Year’s Resolution: Trim Your Waste to Accelerate SDLC Velocity.” Holiday-themed online content can often be found for a dime a dozen and sadly, the cuteness of a clever title often exceeds the quality of the media itself. But Jason

Skytap’s New VP of Talent Ready to Share “Seattle’s Best Kept Secret”

Skytap’s new VP of Talent has fascinating stories to tell and some outstanding advice for landing a job in one of the most competitive software development markets in the world—Seattle. Jill brings a wealth of experience to Skytap and will play a key role in our search for top talent looking to make a real

Guest Post: Beyond Big Data and Benioff’s “AI Spring” to the Dawn of Dataware

This article was authored by Matt McIlwain and was originally published on Medium. For more of Matt’s writing, you can follow him here! Big Data, AI, Machine Learning, Hadoop, Predictive Analytics — we hear these terms every day from companies such as Cloudera, Trifacta and Dato (formerly GraphLab) that are securing many millions in financing. I believe

Deck the Halls with Walls of Metrics

For some, the holiday season is a time to show gratitude. Others spend time with those they hold dear. Or maybe, it is a time to reflect upon the previous year, and look at the year ahead. Or, just clean out the house and donate all that stuff you didn’t need all year. These are

The Ethics of Cloud Computing – Part 3

​​This is the final chapter in Seth Payne’s three-part series. Click here to read Part One or Part Two. Where Do These Ethical Principles Come From? As I mentioned above, I find that understanding the “why” of moral and ethical behavior is just as important as knowing “what” moral behavior is expected.  For this reason, I will briefly

The Ethics of Cloud Computing – Part 2

​This is part two in a three part series. To read Part One, click here. Firms also have the moral duty to be honest with the customers regarding security policies, and at times, even system architecture. Many years ago I once found myself in the unfortunate circumstance where a company I was working with had

Guest Post: Data Quality as an Initiative

​This article was authored by David Guimbellot and was originally published on Orasi’s “Eye on Quality” blog. If your business is capturing or coordinating persistent data as a primary function then it behooves you to create a data quality initiative that improves your Test Data Management (TDM). There are common opportunities in the way that

​The Ethics of Cloud Computing – Part 1

Cloud computing seems to still be one of the reigning buzzwords in high-tech these days. Everything is either “in the cloud”, “powered by the cloud”, or some variation on the theme. I remember when hosted email was just that: hosted email. Today, such offerings are considered cloud offerings even though they have not changed in

Gene Kim on the Need for On-demand Access to Automated Dev/Test Environments

​Noel: Hello, this is Noel Wurst with Skytap, and I am speaking with Gene Kim today. At Skytap, a lot of us are big fans of Gene and his work, and we just finished reading The Phoenix Project, which we will talk about, as well as The DevOps Cookbook. I’m curious to know how that’s

How to Eliminate “It Works on My Machine”

​voke analyst Theresa Lanowitz and her team recently conducted an independent survey of over 500 participants from both technology and non-technology companies of varying sizes to explore their use of virtual and cloud-based labs and the results they experience. We conducted an interview with Theresa earlier this year where she detailed how these labs, and

Guest Post: Survey Reveals Benefits in Using Virtual and Cloud-Based Dev/Test Environments

​ This article was authored by Melissa Jacobson and was originally published on Orasi’s “Eye on Quality” blog. In late August, voke, Inc. debuted its “Market Snapshot Report: Virtual and Cloud-Based Labs,” about how companies of all sizes and levels of testing sophistication view, use and benefit from virtual and cloud-based development and testing technologies.

Now Available: Removing Barriers to Continuous Delivery of Business Value

​ Many organizations are recognizing that faster application delivery leads to better business results, but they struggle with how to overcome their barriers to faster delivery. In this webinar, guest speaker Kurt Bittner, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, Inc., discusses the most common barriers to faster delivery and how organizations work to remove those barriers.