New VM Display Feature Conserves Bandwidth, Preserves Quality

In our early-April release, Skytap introduced a new feature to the single-vm toolbar: VM Display Quality Settings. These quality settings allow users to conserve bandwidth by selecting a lower display quality when appropriate and/or necessary. In addition to offering multiple display options, Skytap has adjusted the compression method used by the single-VM view. This means

Skytap CTO to Cover Hybrid Apps and OpenStack at Two Upcoming Events

Skytap CTO Brad Schick has been invited to speak at the 2015 Seattle Technology Leadership Summit and the OpenStack Summit Vancouver on the following day! We sat down with Brad to learn more about hybrid apps, enterprise cloud adoption, Bimodal IT, and some of the exciting benefits that OpenStack and Skytap can provide our growing communities.

Passive Quality Culture Leads to “Ticker Shock”

Asking a roomful of testers, “What do software defects really cost?” and then telling them, “much more than you think,” before anyone gets the chance to answer is a pretty gutsy move. It’s certainly one that could’ve easily backfired for Parasoft chief strategy officer Wayne Ariola at last week’s STAREAST conference. It did not backfire,

Will the Age of DevOps Impact Your Career? (Video)

With more companies “doing” DevOps everyday, what impact will this have on the expectations for developers and IT Operations job applicants to possess when making a career move—or even to simply stay relevant in their current roles? Check out this recording of this week’s webinar with Intellyx analyst Jason Bloomberg, and Skytap VP of operations

Environments-as-a-Service “Essential” for Enterprise Dev & Test

DevOps may still be in relative infancy, and current DevOps definitions may vary wildly, but one thing that all agree is essential to its success is automating manual steps throughout the SDLC that fail to add business value or software quality. We’ve been working with analyst Jason Bloomberg to help us paint a picture of

The DevHops Podcast: Will Virtualization Beat Physical Reality?

Welcome to the first ever episode of the DevHops Podcast! This series will feature conversations between some of the tech industry’s best and brightest around DevOps, agile, cloud, virtualization, and the necessary culture and technology to meet constantly changing business and customers demands. This week we’re joined by F5 Principal Technical evangelist Lori MacVittie, and Skytap

Skytap, Devops, and the British Invasion

It’s official; Skytap has officially expanded into Europe! We’ve got outstanding boots on the ground with Chris Griggs, our new VP of Europe Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and Rick Cronin, our new Technical Director – both based in our new EMEA headquarters in London. Chris and Rick have extensive experience of having worked in

Upcoming Webinar: Career Relevance in the DevOps Age

What are some of the titles you can look for if you want to “do” DevOps? If nobody can really say they’ve “been doing DevOps for years” what qualifications can employers look for? Are developers really suited to understand the operational needs and goals of the business, as some experts recommend? How do we get

Customer Advisory Board Reveals Virtual Training Wins in the Cloud

Throughout the year, we host a series of Customer Advisory Board (CAB) meetings, where we invite customers from Skytap’s varied use cases in order to not just give and take feedback from our customers, but so they can also provide it their peers in their respective industries. Today we’re speaking with Director of Product Management

Skytap Whiteboard: Resolving SDLC Constraints with EaaS

Welcome to the Skytap Whiteboard series, where bold new ideas are sketched out — almost as fast as we make them into reality! Today’s episode, just under 6 minutes, is from our own George Stamos, giving you the quick scoop on how the “drift” between dev/test environments and conflicts over the few remaining available lab resources is

The Impact of Trust on the Success and Failure of DevOps

We sat down with Paul Farrall, Skytap’s new VP of Operations, and the president-elect of SIM Seattle, to discuss his successes and failures within his own DevOps initiatives. His experience helps prove the importance of trust between teams. SIM Seattle will host the 2015 Seattle Technology Leadership Summit on May 20th. Noel: Hi Paul! Let’s dive right in.

Feedback Culture Promotes Continuous UX-Rich Design

With this week’s focus on how Skytap “does” design, we sat down with our principal UX architect to learn more about where the inspiration comes from to continuously not just keep up with, but exceed both business and customer demands across numerous platforms. Noel: Just to start off, if you’ll take a minute to introduce yourself,