What Can Software Testing Tea Leaves Tell Us?

Closely analyzing the evolution of software conference program schedules can often paint a pretty accurate picture of the current state of our industry. Sometimes that picture is rosy, and gives you confidence that we’re headed in the right direction—and sometimes it can cause downright fear. After pouring over this year’s STARWEST program, it’s clear that

The Dev-Hops Podcast: There’s Only One Original

You know an original when you try it. Here in Seattle, and all over the country, we’ve been searching for just the right ingredients to make each draft of Dev-Hops Podcast, since early 2015 or so. That’s years in Internet terms. No canned material will do. Accept no substitutes. Insist on Dev-Hops. Only the freshest

Skytap Data Consumption Reduced by How Much?

One of the coolest parts about working at Skytap is that people here are really excited about what our engineering team is building. I love when someone scours the newest release notes, or has been working closely with the engineering team to help deliver an exciting new feature—and then cannot wait to spread the word

Identical Resource Constraints Plague Drug and Software Development

Last month, I came across an article from BT Group’s Peter Shaw, titled, “How the cloud is clearing the headaches of drug development” and was truly marveled by something. The similarities between the development of drugs and software are remarkable. This isn’t the first time the software development process has been compared to another industry,
Skytap vApp VM Import and Nesting Feature

Automated vApp and Multi-VM Import = Big Time-to-Value Impact

Let’s take this opportunity to highlight two new import features in Skytap EaaS that will likely make a huge impact on the productivity and time-to-value for every Skytap customer. Now you can directly import multiple VMs, or a complete virtual application stack directly into Skytap environments, and have Skytap automatically handle the configuration and setup

Intervention Coming for “I Hate Agile” Crowd

For all of the conferences held in agile’s honor, and the praise it gets from coaches, evangelists, and companies like Skytap, nobody calls it a silver bullet. But there’s one thing we all agree on—agile is very difficult. Whether looking at the culture change required, embracing the continuous integration, delivery and deployment of code, or

The DevHops Podcast Episode 4: Continuous Testing

Welcome to the fourth episode of the DevHops Podcast! This week we’re speaking with Parasoft Chief Strategy Officer Wayne Ariola about software quality and the emergence of continuous testing in the enterprise. Let’s get started—we hope you enjoy the show! Noel:  Hey, DevHops listeners. Just a quick tip that we’re starting this week’s show with. If you’re already familiar

Accelerating Application Releases in a Time Warp Oven

On Wednesdy, August 26th, Skytap and CA Technologies will present a joint webinar, “Accelerated Application Releases in Cloud Environments: It’s Baked In!” where we’ll show how to eliminate SDLC bottlenecks and achieve faster velocity. Skytap’s Jason English will join Tim Mueting from CA Technologies (read his latest CA communities blog about it here) to share

Five Ways Not to Test Software

For those needing a “too long, didn’t read” (TL:DR) version, the answer is: “Make your testers feel crushingly undervalued, prevent them from collaborating with others, and don’t leave enough time in the SDLC to find or correct the bugs they find. Hopefully, you’re doing none of the above. Jason Schreier, news editor for the popular

Why “Test Obsession” Is the Disruptive Culture of the Future

After learning that Alaska Airlines has won the “Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among Traditional Carriers” award for eight years running, and the “Number 1 on-time major North American Carrier” award for the last five, I would assume that their dedication to incredible software quality is just as worthy of public heralding. Parasoft, one of our

The DevHops Podcast Ep. 3: How to Test for Enterprise Mobility

Lydia Casillas from Sky I.T. Group joins us for our third episode to discuss the challenges of testing mobile apps and the mobile web to ensure security, usability, and powerful “enterprise mobility.” We also review beers from Stone, Freemont, and Alltech Lexington Brewing & Distilling Co.! Tap In! Noel: Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Skytap

DevOps Gains Soar During NYSE “Configuration Issue”

The temporary suspension of trading on the NYSE this last week made me think of May 6, 2010, the day of the infamous “Flash Crash” in which US equity markets went into an inconceivable tailspin. I was working at the New York Stock Exchange at the time and distinctly remember the speculation as to what