CAB Recap Fall 2015: Customer Collaboration Drives Innovation

We recently wrapped up two great day-and-a-half sessions of the Skytap Customer Advisory Board (or “Skytap CAB”) here by the waterfront in lovely Seattle. One session specifically for Dev/Test solution customers and another for Training/Demo customers, each of which have unique use cases and concerns. Collaboration with customers is a huge part of Skytap’s culture,

Gene Kim and Others Share What DevOps is Really “All About”

Skytap was in full force at Electric Cloud’s second annual DevOps Enterprise Summit (DOES) last week—in the Expo, recording podcasts with the show’s amazing speakers, and sitting in on every keynote and track session possible. Our goal was to get a better grasp on how DevOps is being defined (a hundred different ways), how DevOps

CA Release Automation in Skytap: Spotlight and Demo

As DevOps devotees, we’re always interested in techniques for accelerating software delivery, so we’re thrilled to have these two new videos featuring the CA Release Automation (RA) solutions team explaining, and demonstrating, how to achieve wicked fast and pin-point accurate deployments at each stage of the SDLC in Skytap environments. You can learn a lot

The DevHops Podcast Episode 5: Service Virtualization at Alaska Airlines

One of the most well-attended sessions of the week at STARWEST was Parasoft and Alaska Airlines‘ crack-of-dawn session on continuous testing through service virtualization. We got Alaska Airlines quality analyst Ryan Papineau to join us on the latest episode of the Skytap DevHops Podcast, so we could learn more about service virtualization’s role in the airline’s
QAC and Skytap Partner Spotlight

Partner Spotlight: QA Consultants (QAC) and Skytap

Today’s partner spotlight comes to us from QA Consultants (QAC), a firm that is 100% dedicated to providing software testing services for their customers. You may have noticed today’s Partner Announcement with QAC. There is a great deal of in-house expertise in their Toronto, Canada center of excellence as well as their satellite offices, and Skytap provides them

Legacy Apps & Docker: the ContainerJournal Article

There’s a lot of opinions out there about containers these days, and maybe not enough practical advice. Here’s a good article out today in ContainerJournal from Skytap’s own Dan Jones: Dan Jones in ContainerJournal on Docker: Docker and Legacy Applications: Better Together? Let’s face it, adoption of containers is happening, and it behooves developers and

Live Blog: Testing for Summer Snowstorms to Avoid Winter Woes

Look for a series of live blogs from Skytap while we attend STARWEST this week in Anaheim, California! It takes more than guts to hold a late addition “bonus” session at 7:15 in the morning; it also takes having an outstanding story to tell so you’re not telling it to an empty room while everyone

How I Learned to Love Environment Proliferation

Software development is a strange craft. In some ways things seem to stay the same forever; we still sit at the same Unix command line from over 20 years ago and we use usually the same editors, but the software being developed feels pretty different. For one thing, we spend much more time selecting the

Top Four Can’t Miss Events at STARWEST

With STARWEST only a week away, and there being too much awesomeness on the conference schedule to take in on your own, we’ve gone through and picked the top four goings-on that we think are absolute can’t miss events while you’re in Anaheim. We eagerly circle the STARWEST dates on the calendar each year, as the

Technical Series Kickoff: Scaling Modern Software Delivery

Chapter 1: How I Learned to Love Environment Proliferation Chapter 2: Continuous Delivery Decision Points: Getting Software Safely into Production Chapter 3: DevOps Practices for Systems of Record (Podcast) Chapter 4: Is Agile a Prerequisite for Beginning DevOps Initiatives? Chapter 5: Tipping the DevOps Scale: An Interview with Gary Gruver Chapter 6: What’s in Your DevOps Toolchain? Chapter 7: Evaluating

One-click Start to Solving Retail “Crisis” with Mobile Apps

Skytap recently had the privilege of contributing an article to the excellent Retail Info Systems News (RIS). RIS does an outstanding job of covering how retailers are increasing innovation to increase market share during a complete transformation in the way consumers shop and what they expect from brands looking to earn their loyalty. After looking at

3-Minute Video & Demo: Virtual Training Labs

Fall is the time some of us think about back-to-school activities. But here at Skytap, we’re thinking about the Education Services groups that teach hands-on software to employees and partners using Virtual Training Labs, or “Classrooms-in-a-Box.” So we just did this 3-Minute video that will give you a quick overview and a little demonstration of